

History Of Toxicology Society Of Taiwan


Toxicology Society of Taiwan (TSTA) was founded in 1985 by a group of toxicologists leading by Dr. Chen-Yuan Lee. TSTA was registered to the Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan on June 20, 1987 and Dr. Lee became the first President of TSTA. The successive presidents are Dr. Jen-Kun Lin, Dr. Jou-Fang Deng, Dr. Tzuu-Huei Ueng, Dr. Tsung-Yun Liu, Dr. Huei Lee, Dr. Min-Liang Kuo, Dr. Jaw-Jou Kang, and the current president is Dr. Jih-Heng Li. TSTA became the member of Asian Society of Toxicology (ASIATOX) in 1997, and has been actively participated in various activities of ASIATOX, including organization of the 55th International Congress of ASIATOX at Taipei Veterans General Hospital during 10-13 September, 2009. Based on the decision of 2018 ASIATOX Council , TSTA will bring ASIATOX-X in Taipei again. In addition to ASIATOX, TSTA also joined the International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX) in 1987. Moreover, TSTA has regularly hosted the biennial Cross-strait Meetings between TSTA and the China Society of Toxicology. To comply with the international harmonization of the certification/ registration of toxicologists worldwide, an effort leading by IUTOX, TSTA has recently established a board certification program for Diplomate of Certified Toxicologist (DTST) since 2014. There are eight experts passed the exam and were awarded with DTST till 2021. Hopefully, more toxicologists in Taiwan will become DTST.